Well, the trend of sky-high turnover amongst college football coaches continued during the February 2022 update to our lists of college coaches’ contact information.
The updates, which were sent to our customers via email on Feb. 21st, had 1,904 changes to the database of college football coaches’ contact information. That’s a staggering 18.28% turnover in one month.
The women’s volleyball list had a similar percentage of changes. It had 13.03% turnover (562 changes/5,079 total coaches) from January to February 2022.
The men’s and women’s soccer lists weren’t as high, percentage-wise, but the lists had a whopping 680 changes during this most-recent round of updates.
I would expect the men’s and women’s basketball lists to go through a similar type of turnover in April, May and June — and the baseball and softball databases to experience something similar when their offseason comes around this summer.
All of this drives home what many of our subscribers have known for quite some time: There are so many coaching changes at every level of college athletics. You can try to keep this type of list updated on your own, but it’s just so much easier to subscribe and allow us to track the changes for you — and send you the updated database to you via email each month.